The Customer resource represents the banking partner's customer / user.
A customer resource has the following properties
Field | Description | Type / Values | Notes |
id | Lirium's unique Identification for the Customer | string | |
created_at | Creation timestamp. | timestamp | |
reference_id | Banking Partner's unique Identification for the order. | string | Up to 64 characters long. Case sensitive |
state | Entity's state | string enum | active | closed | banned | dormant |
profile | Profile information such as name and address | object | See the request and response examples for details |
profile.national_id_type | string | passport | driver_license | national_id | other | | | string | ||
contact.cellphone | string | ||
products | Available products for the customer | object | Example{ "code": "crypto_buy_sell", "active": "true", "enabled": true } |
data_requiements | Data requirements from KYC and/or products | object | Example{ "id":"document_id_back", "created":"2020-09-01T11:28:59+00:00", "type":"document", "document_type":"id_back", "status":"pending_submission", "last_updated_at":"2020-09-01T11:28:59+00:00" } |